Piraeus Greece - audio guided

Piraeus self-guided

Piraeus has a long history, dating back to ancient Greece: During the classical period, there were 372 triremes in the naval base in Piraeus.

Today the port of Piraeus is the chief port in Greece and the 5th largest passenger port in Europe.

This video provides a short overview about the best places in Piraeus.

Archaeological Museum and Hellenic Maritime Museum

The most important museum in Piraeus is the Archaeological Museum of Piraeus.
It contains mainly sculptures, from Bronze Age to Roman times.

The Hellenic Maritime Museum is the biggest Maritime Museum in Greece and a must-visit for anybody who is interested in Greek’s naval history.

It houses more than 2,500 exhibits,  from the prehistoric era through to ancient Greece and the Roman period to the present day.

Archaeological Museum Piraeus - audio guided
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Hellenic Maritime Museum Piraeus - audio guided

Piraeus audio guide: Best of Piraeus

That audio guide  from Tripvisor* is recommended with 15 reviews by 100% of the travelers.

Duration: 60-90 minutes

Price: from 6,99 US dollars (entrance fees not included).

The audio guide passes by both museums, the Archaeological Museum and the Hellenic Maritime Museum.

This is the link to the audio guide.

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