Audio Guided
Self-Guided Audio Tours
Berlin’s Museum Island is one of the most outstanding museum complexes in Europe.
Five architects designed the impressive architectural ensemble in the heart of the city. Construction was finished in 1930.
This video provides a 10-minute overview about Museum Island Berlin: Here is the video.
Berlin’s Museum Island is an architectural ensemble consisting of these five museums:
Altes Museum (Old Museum)Neues Museum (New Museum)Alte Nationalgalerie (Old National Gallery)Bode MuseumPergamon Museum
The Pergamon Museum and the New Museum have the most visitors.
The New Museum houses interesting and unusual historical objects including the famous bust of Queen Nefertiti.
The Pergamonmuseum has been closed since October 2023. The Hall with the Pergamon Altar will reopen in 2027.
Picture: Pergamon Altar
Video about the ancient city of Pergamon (Turkey today) and the Pergamon Altar: Click here
There is an audio guide from TravelMate for more than 10 hours, starting at 8.99 euros (multilingual). Here is the link.
This other audio guide takes only 50 minutes (Tripadvisor* from 5 US dollars). Click here
One more audio guide from VoxCity (multilingual, from 3,50 euros); I could not find any information about the duration. The link
Picture: Old Museum Berlin
There are audio guides about Berlin that include a section about the Museum Island, for example
Self Guided City Audio Tour in Berlin from Tripadvisor*: Here is the link.
Please note that entrance fees are not included at any audio guide.
More ideas what you can do and see in Berlin Museum Island: Get inspired by GetYourGuide*